What if I call you and I can't reach you?
Please leave a MESSAGE or TEXT me at 626-833-7078. Yes, my cell phone number is out of state. I have kept my old number so I don't lose my old contacts. My phone number is all over the internet and I get tons of spam calls everyday. I get overwhelmed with the amount of calls, however if I know it is about a kitten I will return the call as soon as possible. Also if you are trying to reach me via social media and we are not friends on the platform then often the message goes to a spam section where I don't see it. I do try to check my spam box but sometimes I don't see the message for quite some time.
How are the kittens cared for at the cattery?
My deep love for each and every kitten is expressed to them every day they are here. I truly love and value these babies. This is one reason I wont poisonous with breeding rights unless I personally know the breeder and I know they will love and value them as I do. I feel these majestic animals are a gift from God and should be treated as such. Once you get your new fur baby you will see the quality of care that has went into each precious little angel. I am available for you to help you with questions and concern through out the baby's entire life.
Why do they come at 3 months old?
By 3 months, we are able to provide 2 - 3 way vaccines, and Deworming. This time frame allows kittens to absorb vaccines prior to travel. This also is a safe age to assume kittens are not sick since many kittens die from various things before this age. Yes, even in controlled environments.
Can we come visit the kittens?
No, I have a closed cattery to protect my kittens until they are ready to leave my home. Parasites, germs, and other bacterias can be easily tracked in. Kittens are not yet fully vaccinated and can easily become sick. Even if the kitten you have chosen is of age I could have other smaller kittens or pregnant cats in my home. However, I will do a FaceTime visit so you can see your baby in real time.
Do kittens come spay/neutered?
Usually in MOST cases, NO. There are new studies that suggest early spay and neuter on kittens will slow the growth plates to close which could cause hip fractures. These cats will grow very large so that is a lot of weight on those legs and hips. I understand that it hasn't been proven yet but suggested so as a breeder of this wonderful line I have decided to be better safe than sorry. I love each baby that comes through my home and I want the best for them. It will be your responsibility to have this done. I suggest a low cost clinic.
What kind of litter do you use?
We are using Pine Pellets litter. I personally buy the Pine pellets horse bedding with a photo of other animals that can use it including kittens. PLEASE make sure if you use pine pellets that it has no additives and is used for animals. I use pine pellets because it is natural and safe for kittens. Kittens often eat their litter and if they eat the clumping litter it could cause serious illness or death because it will clump in their intestines and not pass through.
What kind of kitten food do you use?
We are currently using Hill's Science kitten food for Cats and kittens.. I keep dry food available to my kittens and cats 24 hours a day and feed them wet food as often as they want it. I feed friskies wet food but it seems they have changed their formula so I am searching for a wet food they will eat. Cats and Kittens are very finicky so this is a little difficult. Please make sure they are getting enough protein at all times. These kittens NEED a ton of protein so feeding them fish a couple of times a week is very good for them.
What if we want to change their food?
If you change their food, do it VERY slowly by feeding them the food they are used to and slowly adding the new food a little at a time until you slowly transfer over to the new food.If the kitten has diarrhea, you must slow down on the new food until they can adjust. This process should be done very slowly. ONLY CHANGE THEIR FOOD WITH AN EQUAL OR HIGHER QUALITY FOOD. This is a MUST to keep them healthy and growing to a rate they need.
Should we quarantine?
Yes, yes, yes. Put the kitten in a calm small room with their food, litter box, some toys and a blankie. We recommend you keep them away from other pets until your vet has given them their check-up. Remember that they should already have a vet appointment scheduled before they arrive. We also recommend that parents and anyone handling the kitten, should sanitize before and after petting the kitten.
When does the kitten need to see the vet?
I ask that everyone has their kitten to the vet within 3 days after arrival. I will not be responsible if you wait for a week or more to have the kitten seen. Many things can go wrong and can progress if they do not see the vet. Read the CONTRACT to understand any issues with a sick kitten.
What vaccines will my kitten need?
Talk to your vet. I suggest that kittens get their Rabies at 6 months old but your vet may want them to get it sooner. This is a personal decision for each new owner and their vet to make. You will also need another 3 way vaccine due at some point. If your vet finds any problem with your new baby, please be ready to send me the entire test result so we can review it with our vets. If there is a problem, we will exchange the kitten or offer a refund if applicable. Remember that this must be done in 3 days.
Does my kitten need a Leukemia vaccine? Or FeLV/FIV test?
NO NO NO. Leukemia vaccines can make your pets sick. Do Not do.
FeLV/FIV tests are inaccurate on young kittens. They still carry the Mother's antibodies so it will give an inaccurate result. Do not pay for tests you do not need. The parents of our kittens are tested for these things. IF your kitten is sick, this test can be done , but your vet MUST send it to a lab. Directly to a lab. If they do within their office, it will likely show a false result and then they send it to the lad. DOUBLE FEES!
What should I do once the kitten comes home?
It is seriously best to give the kitten some peace and quiet for a couple of days. Keep kids calm and pets away for a while. They should be quarantined until their vet visit. Let them get used to you coming in and petting them and talking to them. If the kitten is overwhelmed and scared, things will not go well. It's very likely a stressed kitten will start sneezing or get an upper respiratory infection. They don't know when to stop. Let their immune systems build up. Do not let them walk on grass outdoors for some time. They can get bacteria, virus and worms, especially from dog poo. Just be calm and easy with them. It's a new home for them and they need to adjust slowly.
What if the kitten has diarrhea?
Call the vet. Give canned pumpkin or give Forti Flora found on Amazon or at your vets office.
What if a kitten vomits?
Call the vet. Look at the vomit and make sure there is not something there that their stomach couldn't handle such as string, or some foreign object. Feed smaller amounts. They will sometimes gorge themselves if they feel they need to compete for food.
What about toys?
Nothing with feathers, strings, wires. Check toys to make sure stuffing is not coming out. Avoid too much catnip. If this gets trapped in their sinuses, you are looking at an infection.
What about cat trees?
If you do have them, make sure they are not so tall. Kittens will jump and land on their front paws which are not so strong yet. Also, some trees use hard nylon fibers for the scratching portions. We have seen cats trying to eat these fibers that are unraveling. This will shred their mouths and mess up their stomachs.
What can we do for poopy butts?
I suggest you get a sanitary trim for your kitty. Be careful if you trim this yourself or you may wind up in kitty ER. Their skin is like rice paper. One tiny cut will spread open. You may use trimmers, but use a guard.
What about house plants?
URGENT! You will need to read my fourm post about poisonous plants or google to see if the plant you are looking for is not listed on my page just to make sure. Many plants are. Lots of people say, oh, my kitty doesn't bother them until the kitty does bother them.
What is herpes virus?
This is something that most kittens are born with. They will have it their entire lifetime. It will show its ugly head when kittens/cats are stressed. This can even be a car ride, trip to the vets, adding another pet, loud household, kitty being abused, any changes really. It just happens. You should google this to read about it and try to avoid it. To my knowledge none of my cats or kittens has the virus but since it is so prevalent in the cat world then this needs to be mentioned.
What if the kitten has bad breath?
We are seeing this more and more across the lands. Sometimes changes in cat food may start it. Sometimes it's from teething. Gums will often be inflamed in a kitten when they are shedding and bringing in new teeth. Sometimes it requires antibiotics and sometimes even surgery. Purebreds are not immune to infections or diseases. They get sick just like us. We just need to do what we can to help. Stomatitis is especially common now. If Stomatitis occurs then teeth usually need to be pulled for the cat to have a normal pain free life.
Are kittens expensive?
Yes. It costs a lot of money for us to buy the best cats for our breeding program and It takes money to care for any pet. Food, litter, vaccines, vets, etc.
What should we look for in kitten food?
Protein should be 38%+, Taurine should be in the food, Meat should be the first ingredient. Wet food should have meat as the first ingredient. It usually only has 9-11% protein. Wet food just helps provide some tastiness and moisture.
Should we trim kittens' nails?
Yes, but use a lot of caution if you do it yourself. You need to be careful not to cut into the Quick. This will result in serious bleeding. I recommend you let the vet do it. Along with cleaning their ears and sanitation trim. If you clean the kittens ears, do it with wipes. If you get water or liquids in the cat's ear it will cause the kitten to be off balance. It is NOT good for the kitten to have wet ears.
The most often asked question is, Do you have any kittens????
Look on the website under Available Kittens. Not sure how this one is always asked.
Should I make a deposit once I find a kitten?
No. Please do not make a deposit until we approve your application. The application is found at the bottom of the page marked adoption information and I confirm the kitten is still available.
How do I make a deposit?
We have Zelle, Cash App, or Venmo. All three of these are connected to my cell number of 626-833-7078. I prefer Zelle because they don't charge fees. If you chose one of the other options then please mark us as friends or add to the price the fees that will be charged.
How do I pay my balance?
Before you arrive to pick up your kitten, check your payment methods to make sure you don't have limits. It is easier to be able to pay quickly so other people don't have to wait and we can keep things moving smoothly. You can use Cash, Cash App, Zelle or Venmo option
I hope I have answered everything. If not, please send me a TEXT message. 626-833-7078
Thank you to everyone and look forward to providing you with your new furry best friend.